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- Rubber wall cover
Rubber wall cover
Item number: 2607
colours : Black and red
The elastic wall covering made of rubber granulate was originally developed to protect the dangerous edges of brick-built sandboxes, often embedded in asphalt or concreted surfaces. The L-shaped wall covering combines 3 functions in one element: anti-trip wedge, seat and horizontal and vertical impact protection.
Of course, the wall covering offers the same advantageous functions for all similar applications, for example seating steps in one area: a comfortable, quick-drying seat, trip protection, accident prevention and edge protection.
The wall covering is not suitable for covering stairs, as the long side of the seat, which is beveled as a wedge, does not provide any advantage on the step.
The fall protection plaster is the reliable problem solver for using intensively used areas, including those with vehicles, as a safer and attractive play area. Because the fall protection plaster is stable enough to carry cars and light trucks, as well as high heels, but still offers usable fall protection and dampens vibrations and noise. Furthermore
The rubber granulate, irregularly shaped rubber particles, is obtained from discarded tires. For the most part, it consists of a high-quality mixture of natural rubber (NR) and synthetically produced styrene-butadiene rubber, or SBR for short. The material properties of the WARCO molded part largely correspond to those of SBR. Granules with an edge length of 1.0 to 3.0 mm produce fine-grained surfaces.